Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Naah kali ini saya mem-forward sms lain ... dan ini hasilnya ..

SMSnya adalah :
1)send back this msg if u like me. 2)call me if u love me. 3)make a miss call if u care about me. 4)give a joke if u just a friend. 5)do nothing if u hate me!

Hasilnya :

- Kalo dibales kaya gini artinya apa ? Hehehe..

- Which do I will have to say, I ake all 3 point accept point 5 (disadur sebagaimana aslinya)

- (send the whole message back to me)

- :)

- This msg mean, I'd love to do point 1,2, 3 and 4 .. I like u, I love u, I care about u, coz u my lovely friend... Miz u mamas...

- *sambil elus2 jenggot* "hmm hary sedang horny pasti neh.."

- If I do no 1 until 4 ?

- 1) I like u 2) I love u, tp ndak mgkn tlp dr HP ya, 3) I care about u, ngga usah pk mscld juga..

- (send the whole message back to me)

- How to do all in 1 shoot? He he

- (send the whole message back to me)

- (send the whole message back to me)

- I know you are HARI it is strang to hear this. How are you doing? Long time no see you. I hop you are fine you have got day off?

- Ha Ha Ha

- (send the whole message back to me)

- Would love to chat but I'm kind of in a tight budget... Hehe.

- Aku ambil pilihan 1,2,3 aja tapi dari nomor ini yaa hpku yg 081110**** low batt.

- Hary.. plis deh!

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