Friday, June 17, 2005

Nation Religion King
Ministry of Interior

On 16 June 2005 at 09.30 am, there was an unfortunate incident occured at the British International Kindergarten in the city of Siem Reap. There were 4 Cambodians males with one hand gun threatened body guards, 5 teachers and 20 pupils and demanded ransom of US$ 1,000, one van with 12 seats and guns. After 5 hours of negotiation, the Cambodian authorities sent US$ 30,000 and one van with 12 seats to the kidnappers.
Unfortunately, the kidnappers refused the offer of the Cambodian authorities and demanded new deals and conditions. At 14.30 hours in the same day, the Cambodian authorities were informed that the kidnappers had no means to harm the hostages and refused to negotiate peacefully. Therefore, the Cambodian authorities decided to prepare strategic moves to liberate the hostages.
At 15.00 hours, the Cambodian authorities fully controlled the situation in the school compound and safely liberated the rest of all hostages and arrested all 4 criminals and one hand gun.
The Ministry of Interior was very sorry for the loss of a young Canadian girl, who was killed by the criminals in order to threaten the authorities. In the meantime, the criminals wounded one of officers.
The Royal Government and the Ministry of Interior of Cambodia would like to extend their deepest condolences to the parents of the young victim and are ready to assist and provide close cooperation to the Embassy of Canada in Phnom Penh to address the matter.
At the same time, the Royal Government and the Ministry of Interior also would like to extend their highest admiration to the National Police officer, who was injured on duty and wished him fast recovery.
The Ministry of Interior would like to extend its profound appreciation to the National Police forces and local authorities, who undertook joint mission of liberation of hostages under the leadership of the Commissioner General of National Police.
The Ministry of Interior would like to urge to all educational institutions, public establishments, hotels, restaurants, private security companies to enhance their security measures in providing safety to their schools, clients, tourists and in cooperating closely with the competent authorities and local authorities.

Phnom Penh, 16 June 2005
Demikianlah siaran pers yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian Dalam Negeri pemerintah Kerajaan Kamboja. Dalam hal ini pula, ada 2 orang anak Indonesia pada sekolah tersebut diatas pada saat kejadian penyanderaan, yang Alhamdulillah sekarang ini mereka berdua dalam keadaan sehat wal-afiat sekarang ini.

1 comment:

dodY said...

serem juga! kabarnya sampe ada yg tewas. semoga keadaan lekas kembali normal. utk semua korban semoga diberikan kekuatan dalam menghadapi cobaan ini.