Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Yes, I am turning 35 years old yesterday, 25 December 2006.

Thank you for those who has called me up and sending me happy birthday messages.

Happy Birthday, darling!

from : F Wai, 12.02.08 am

Pasti lagi sibuk tiup lilin ya... Met ultah ya Mas, may all the best things happen in your life...

from : F Dana, 12.08.35 am

I safe home. Happy Birthday 2 you.

from : F Don, 12.49.39 am

Happy Birthday ya Bro. May the year ahead be the great year for career and personal wise. Your sis, Ade-Bonnie

from : Ade-Bonnie, 12.53.30am

Every day is a wonderful opportunity; to love, to care, to smile, to pray to thank GOD for all the blessing we received. MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY NEW YEAR and HAPPY BIRTHDAY

from : linaro and SOTHEA in Hong Kong, 01.07.04 am

Happy birthday, kak hari. Panjang umur n murah rezeki,

from : 80s Kak Ali, 01.33.11 am

HAPPY B'DAY HARRY. May God always bless n keep you. Amiin...

from : Indo Rani Sjafredy, 01.36.45 am

Have a wonderful bday with the people u love...may this year bring u happiness

from : Toby, 01.43.47 am

Aku td coba tlp jam 12, tp ndak diangkat. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAS-KOE SAYANG. Pjg umur,sehat sll,bnyk rjeki,wish U all the best. Luv u much

from : Gabriel, 02.25.48 am

best wishes for holiday season, merry x'mas and HAPPY BIRHDAY. rfn

from : Randy, 05.19.55 am

'met ulang taon, pjg umur, sehat, sll dilindungi amé nyang diatas. Amin 3x.

from : Mbak Én, 06.07.34 am

Hi Fatso, happy birthday, Semoga ttp sehat, ttp pemurah jd murah rejeki. Karir yg bagus n yg terpenting START ON DIET. Jng kegemukan.

from : Mbak Didiet, 06.12.35 am

Merry Christmas and more importantly Happy Birthday to you. All the best wishes for you.

from : F Pumpkin, 08.01.00 am

Happy birthday and happy new years 2007 may Allah bless us. Amien

from : Aldi Rinaldi, 08.12.54 am

Happy Birthday brow! May all your wish come true..amenn

from : 8 Aditya, 08.31.24 am

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR HARYYY, HAPPY BIRTDAY TOOO YOUUUU !!! I was singing. :-) I wish every good thing reach you from now!

from : F Andrea, 08.32.25 am

adi sayang, slmt ultah semoga selalu dlm lindungan ALLAH swt, banyak berkah dlm menempuh liku2 hidup. Doa bude.

from : Budé Ermien, 08.39.09 am

Happy bday,happy bday, happy bday wadhie..Wish u all d best..Bring a smile on your nice day..=)

from : Indrie, 08.55.50 am

Happy Birthday om, smoga sehat2 slalu, tambah sukses, tambah wise, tambah lucu, kurangi jutek hihihi

from : Yani, 09.03.19 am

Kel. Harry Wiyoto mendoaken panjang usia rezeki yag lancar dan cukup setiap harinya selalu dlm lindungan Allah. Swt, amin3x. Sorry telat sms baru pulang touring

from : NTOY 0811, 09.28.00 am

Happy birthday have a long live always in good healthy we wish u still in God arm and God bless u its our hope always!!!

from : Jawa n family, 09.29.34 am

Dear Om adi... Happy birthday!! Wishing u all the bestand happiness. May all your dreams come true...amien!

from : 8 Kiki, 09.33.26 am

Om,met ultah ya..moga2 d beri kesehatan n apa2 yg om pengenin bs terkabul,amin..(dr kel.besar Ayah plus yangti)

from : Asty Indra, 10.02.32 am


from : Mbak Andy, 10.33.01 am

Kang Harry, selamat hari lahir ya :-D. Wish u the best. Traktir ... Traktir

from : 80s Iqbal, 11.47.52 am

Mak, met ultah ya. Wishing you a very happy birthday, may God gives you happiness, joyful and prosperity. Makan jij nanti di dapur Ciragil aja, yiuuuuk

from : 80s Irvan, 11.55.44 am

Happy birthday princess! May u meet ur lovely prince charming in year 2007!

from : F Wan, 12.49.35 pm

Happy birthday ya mas.. Wish u all the best in the upcoming year.. Take care and GBU!

from : Brahmantya, 01.46.29 pm

Happy birthday ya. Sori i can't attend 4 dinner tonight. HOpe u enjoyed. I'll invite u 4 dinner when i have free

from : Indo LS Kangmaskóe, 03.30.08 pm

Happy birthday H!Smoga panjang umur, dianugrahi kesehatan& sukses di tahun2 m'datang. Ps. No-mu ganti ya? sms td pagi failed, br dpt no in dr Toby

from : Cili Wili, 03.43.41 pm

Happy birthday ya Har!!All the best wishes 4 u. G lg di pim ama wili-angga & toby

from : Herichan, 03.49.41 pm

Harrrrrrrrrry.....happppy bdaaaay!Panjang umur,panjang sabar,tambah bijak, tambah ganteng,banyak rejeki,cepet ketemu soulmate!It's great to hv u as a friend:)

from : Widiyana Sudirman, 05.29.55 pm

Pada hari yang berbahagia ini saya ingin mengucapkan "Selamat Ulang Tahun" saya do'akan semoga panjang umur, sehat selalu dan sukses segalanya.

from : Indo HS Suryo, 05.54.46 pm

Happy Birthday, my dearest.. Dr smlm mau sms tp networknya ancur ga kekirim2. Wishing u all the best!

from : Désy Baso, 06.18.10 pm

Happy b'day!sukses selalu bwt mas hari

from : Robby, 06.32.20 pm

Happy birthday ya cepek, pjg umur, sehat selalu, tambah sukses..

from : Mas Wally, 06.37.28 pm

Happy bday ya. jenni n family

from : Indo Jenny, 06.50.22 pm

Met ultah mas har. Panjang umurnya dan bahagia.

from : Indo HS Novi, 07.00.38 pm

Happy B'day ya darling! All best wishes 4 u.

from : Émyl, 07.22.36 pm

Happy Birthday!!!! Sorry telat,td subuh br nyampe dr jogja n tepar sharian.. How r u?

from : Fandy, 07.24.56 pm

Joy oh joy to that special someone :-D :-O :-P, HAPPY HOLIDAY, HAPPY NEW YEAR, & HAPPY B-DAY to you. Hope this message doesnt get lost at CHU CHI TUNNEL somewhere. Really hate to make u go get this message inside that dark, cold, lonely tunnel....are u there?hehehehehe, hope all is well wit u n' everything else...big hugs, xoxoxo

from : Nano Oerip, 07.37.27 pm

Met ultah yah mas! Panjang umur, sehat selalu, sukses dalam cita n cinta.

from : Devi, 08.47.16 pm

MerÝ mailto:Xm@ ee... salah HappY B'day ya mas yg kebrp nih? mo kado pohon natal ato terong balado ;-) hehehe

from : Indo Dian W, 09.20.45 pm

Luckily still have two more hours before Christmas ends, but its not the holiday that I want to wish you well but rather your special day. Happy Birthday Har

from : Indra Oerip, 09.46.46 pm

The thing I call happiness comes mostly from gratefulness. I don't know what ur definition of happiness is but as long as it's in His way, I pray for it to be granted to you - insya Allah. Selamat ulang tahun, Hary. Insya Allah bahagia lahir-batin dunia dan kemudian. Semoga sis yg diberi jadi umur yang bermanfaat. Amin. Love.

from : Reza Caropeboka, 10.57.09 pm

December 26th, 2006

It feel good when somebody miss u, Feels better when somebody loves u, but it feels best when someone never forget U. HAPPY B'DAY... Wish u all the best mas.. Punteun2 pisan mas telat.

from : Duffy, 01.13.00 am

Dear bro.. Gw baru cek email-have a very happy belated birthday ya!

from : Debbie Tomasowa, 06.13.52 am

Selamat ulang tahun. Semoga panjang umur dan sehat sehat selalu. Jagalah kesehatan, karena kalau kita sehat kita akan produktif (kata bpk) ;-)

from : Indo HS Wahyu, 08.53.47 am

Happy Birthday Dear Dimas Harry. God Bless you Dear.

from : Ko Aldi XL, 08.56.15 am

Happy belated b'day ya oom, semoga burung kakaktuanya slealu hepi, sukses di karir

from : Dianti, 10.51.48 am

Happy belated b'day ya om, pulang kampung? Aku lagi di KL, lagi otw ke malake

from : Andre Dianti, 10.57.24 am

Hi there, happy birthday ya, moga teteup bageur, tambah sukses, sehat dan bahagia selalu, amien. Bunda gimana kabarnya, moga dah sehat lagi ya.

from : Tante Sari, 11.52.56 am

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