Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Tiba-tiba saja saya dikejutkan oleh sms yang masuk :

"Har, ada apa ? Keinget mulu udah bbrp hari ini. Kangen! :-("

Dikirim tanggal 5 November jam 14.32

Saya lalu membalasnya :

"Mungkin karena I feel not comfortable belakangan ini dan I do miss you around me, anytime I think of you then kerasa nyaman béyb ... "

Lalu dibalasnya lagi olehnya :

"Alhamdullilah. :-) Kalo ada apa2 u feel like sharing, don't hesitate to message me ya, Har. Times I recall the past when esp. you n other close ones believed in me often calms me down. It reminds me of how good person I once was and that makes me want to be that person again despite how filthy I've been in the last few years. That's bcoz I know that u believed in me n at least there was a close one regard me as a good person. I miss the old self of mine."

Lalu datang lagi smsnya :

"I miss our beloved Bandung. And I miss having you around. I've bn such a filthy person, Har. I've let things change me not in a good ways. Insya Allah kita be there 4 each other n saling mengingatkan. God, I miss you, Har! Mohon maaf utk smwa yg ga'berkenan ya, Har - lahir-batin. My best regard 4 bunda."

And all just leaves me blank in my mind ..
I am speechless but I do miss you as well, béyb .. so much ...

Phnom Penh, 05 November 2006

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